[Skokie Valley Astronomers, sky map.]
Skokie Valley Astronomers

Images from Penni Isaacson

Penni Isaacson contributed the following image from her trip to Waterloo, IL on August 21, 2017. She reported (edited): "Hope your experiences were HALF as good as ours! ... We drove early Monday morning to Waterloo, IL, and after casing-out the Walmart lot decided to look for a park. Found one quickly with plenty of parking, a clean, flush toilet, and a shady spot to set up our chairs. ... We met lots of really nice people. ... A few telescopes, and a lady who came armed with every kids "project" imaginable (colanders, mesh hats, CARTONS of projects!) and we had a FULL 2 minutes and 10 seconds (eat your hearts out, Carbondale!) of totality. Missed out on Bailey's Beads, though one "neighbor" with a telescope insisted HE could see them, (He also reported 4 sunspots which had already been obscured by the time I asked) and we got GREAT views of the diamond ring."

The image shown is reduced in size to fit this page. Click on the image to load a full size image in a new window.

All of the images are copyright 2017, Penni Isaacson.

Total eclipse from Waterloo, IL, August 21, 2017.
Web site comments, criticisms and complaints: E-mail: Dale Dellutri .
Copyright 2020 Dale A. Dellutri